About Us
PPG Nutritional is a company whose mission is to manage, innovate and develop new patents, technologies, precision diagnostic services, smart foods, nutraceuticals, cosmeceuticals, cosmetics, nutritional supplements and medicines supported by artificial intelligence systems according to standards and quality regulations required by the FDA.
PPG Nutritional has been working on the design, development, registration, production and marketing of a wide range of innovative products that have proven highly effective in preventing, controlling, treating and curing diseases, disorders and syndromes. The products are marketed in the United States and Mexico where one of the products, Deep Block, currently ranked first among the best sellers in the most important pharmacy network in Mexico in January 2022.
PPG Nutritional has achieved these purposes through the use of technologies and developments based on the most modern, recent and advanced technologies of medical, biological, chemical and pharmaceutical sciences conveniently articulated in an empathetic way that give the possibility to develop, register, produce and commercialize ranges of high-impact therapeutic products and smart foods that can be obtained in less time and at lower costs.
As a result, we offer patients and clients products with greater therapeutic efficacy, less toxicity, reduction of adverse reactions and side effects that together contribute to the extension of quality life for all people with a focus on the exclusive care of women during pregnancy and newborn delivery; old man; students of all levels of education; and all people in general.